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Comprar Embaladoras flow pack termoencolhível

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Embaladoras flow pack termoencolhível
A shrink wrap flow-pack wrapper is a type of packaging machine that combines the features of a flow-pack wrapper with the ability to use shrink wrap. This means that, in addition to packaging the product in airtight packaging, the film is heat-shrinkable, which provides a firmer, tighter package around the product. Here is what a flow-pack packaging machine with heat shrink film is for and how it works:

What is a flow-pack packaging machine with heat-shrinkable film for:

Miscellaneous Product Packaging: These machines are used to pack a variety of products, from foods such as meats, cheeses, cakes and bakery products to non-food products such as personal care products, pharmaceuticals and more.

Attractive presentation: The heat-shrinkable film provides a tighter and more attractive packaging, enhancing the appearance of the product and making it stand out on the shelves.

Protection and conservation: Heat-shrinkable packaging offers protection against moisture, dust, contamination and extends the shelf life of products.

How a flow-pack packaging machine with heat-shrinkable film works:

The general operation of a flow-pack packaging machine with heat-shrinkable film is similar to that of a conventional flow-pack packaging machine, with the addition of the heat-shrinking process after sealing. Here are the basic operating steps:

Product loading: The product is placed on the machine's infeed conveyor.

Package formation: The machine creates a flexible package from a continuous roll of plastic film. The film is pulled and shaped into a tubular bag.

Product positioning: The product is placed in the formed pouch.

Transverse sealing: The machine performs a transverse seal on the top of the bag, sealing the package.

Longitudinal sealing: The machine performs a longitudinal seal on the sides of the bag, completely sealing the package.

Cutting: The machine cuts the individual packages from the continuous roll of film, separating them from each other.

Heat shrinkage: Sealed packages are directed to a heat shrinkage chamber. In this step, the heat-shrinkable plastic film is heated, causing it to shrink and fit tightly around the product. This creates a firm and attractive package.

Verification and rejection (optional): Some systems may include a quality verification step, where packages are inspected for seal integrity and the presence of product. Defective packaging may be automatically rejected.

Unloading finished packaging: Heat-shrinkable flow-pack packaging is ready to be sent for final packaging in larger boxes or for the next stage of the production process.

A flow-pack packaging machine with heat shrink film combines the advantages of flow-pack and heat shrink packaging, providing airtight and attractive packaging for a variety of products. It is particularly useful when you want to highlight the appearance of the product and ensure integrity during transport and storage.

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0800 033 0080

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